Friday, August 8, 2008

plastic Jesus

I started reading this book. Plastic Jesus by Eric Sandras. He talks about “ the hollowness of Comfortable Christianity’. I’ve only just begun this book but I think it might explain a little of why C & I are doing this…. Leaving all things that are comfortable and familiar for the unknown. It gives an invitation to look inward. Maybe you should read it too.


“Wow. There is a big difference between intellectual theology and practical theology. I had been living in a spiritual suburbia with nice sidewalks and picket fences around my Christianity. In the back of my mind, I knew that God was inviting me to explore some uncharted territories with Him. I had allowed myself to be duped into thinking that the perceived safety of the predictable was more rewarding than the risk and joy of discovery. This drift had caused my faith to appear all put together on the outside. You know-do the right things… know the right people… speak the right ‘Christianese’…. Yet as my faith became more neat and tidy on the outside, on the inside it grew more and more superficial.”

